Speech Writing: A Service Website

Speech Writing: A Service Website

Client: Cody Pomeranz

Project: Creating a website to advertise Speech Writing Services.

Competitive Analysis

First thing, I looked at similar websites provided by the client and took notes on what their website structure looked like and what type of content they showed. From there, I picked out major pages the client's site should have that would fit their needs.


With the notes and research I did from the competitive analysis, I sketched out what could be needed within the website. Using this as reference, I used SquareSpace (a site that the client chose to host) to find a similar template to adjust and modify.


After feedback from the client, adjustments were made. One of which to remove the "works" page as it would not be filled out as much as intended as well as, due to his prior clients, would break some NDA's and cause other issues otherwise. Making those changes along with adding the content and making sure it looks good on mobile as well. The website was finished!

Visit their website here! 


Password: pomeranz

