
Design in a Week

  • September 2022
  • |

As something to help level up my UI/Graphic Design skills, I decided to create a challenge for myself in that:

  1. I work on something for a week (and only a week)

  2. That something is new/different in a way with each week (be it style, subject, etc.)

  3. Is guided by a prompt. (word generator, inspirations, etc.)

I wanted it to be a week long for several different reasons. It was as a way to give myself enough time to think on a topic and sleep on it if needed. That way, I can research the best ways to achieve what I want to design without rushing and making careless mistakes. However I didn’t want it to last too long per project to where I would procrastinate too much or over think ideas where I would take designs too far. 

With that, for the foreseeable future here are the rules I want to follow for the weeks to come.


  1. Must start and finish a visual design within a week time (7 days)

    • Can be logos, UI elements, icons, etc.

  2. Follow a prompt

    • A word, phrase, or scenario

  3. Created with digital or physical medium

Follow my journey on self improvement in visual design!
